Why Immune Boosting Beverages Are So Necessary in the Present Scenario?

20th May admin

In today’s world, the effect of bacteria and viruses are so contagious and fast that the consumption of immune-boosting drinks made with purified water from one of the Best Water Purifiers has become a necessity. Everyone has an urge to know recipes to make their immune system strong.

So, without taking much time, let’s talk about a special beverage or rather an immunity-boosting drink that no doubt will boost our immune system, which is required in today’s situation.


Let’s Learn to Make the Drink

Well, this drink is a home remedy that will easily boost up your immune system, will fight against cold, sore throat problems, and will keep you away from cough. It works like magic and gives significant relief from annoying cold and flu-like symptoms.

This immune-boosting beverage is super simple to make. Just mix up the ingredients and also water from the best water purifiers.

It has 60% of calories, 17gram of Carbohydrates, 3.7 mg of Potassium, and 16 grams of Sugar.


Know Your Ingredients:

  1. Water: Use water from the Best Water Purifiers. It will give you clean, pure drinking water that will ensure the drink is free from contaminants, bacteria, and viruses. Hence, it will hydrate you thoroughly.
  2. Lemon Juice: This is full of vitamin C that will help to boost immunity. It also contains Vitamin B6, which calms nausea. It helps in digestion and actually helps to fight infections as it has antibacterial properties.
  3. Raw Honey: It is full of antioxidants and has both anti-fungal with the antibacterial property that helps to kill germs. Honey protects the throat from soreness and calms down the cough.
  4. Apple Cider Vinegar: It has acetic acid, which kills bacteria and helps the body to fight off from the infections. It also lowers blood pressure and improves heart health.

Know, How to Make It

  • Bring 1 cup of water from your Water Purifier
  • Add Lemon juice, Honey and Apple Cider vinegar to a large mug
  • Add boiling water taken from Best Water Purifiers and stir until combined
  • Let cool and just ready to drink.

To remain healthy, make this immune-boosting beverage, which provides you with a soothing effect as well.

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