Water is the most basic fluid essential to human survival. As the well-known proverb states—‘Pure WATER PURIFIERS is the world’s first and foremost medicine’—it can be said once in for all that, pure is nothing less than medicine because consuming the requisite amount of daily can help prevent many ailments and allow us to lead a healthy life. We do hear a lot that drinking water is extremely important for us, but do we know why it is so important to remain hydrated? For that, let us look into the health benefits of drinking water—
However, all these above-mentioned usefulness of water will be ineffective if we drink impure water from unhygienic sources. Impure water contains harmful microorganisms (like bacteria and viruses) and certain metal impurities (like arsenic, chlorine, lead, etc.) which are detrimental to our body’s health. Waterborne diseases such as diarrhoea, dysentery, typhoid, cholera, and polio are also caused by contaminated drinking water. So, we must be very cautious about the source of drinking water we are consuming because the quality, as well as the quantity of water that we intake, has a direct impact on our immune system. And the easiest way to ensure the purity of drinking water is to install proper water purifiers in our homes.
Renowned companies like Propello, one of the leading water purifier brands in Kolkata, have come up with some top-rated water purifiers. These water purifiers use various technologies such as Reverse Osmosis (RO), Ultrafiltration (UF), TDS Controller, and Essential Minerals Technology to purify water and retain the essential minerals. With people nowadays being very concerned about their health, the latest trend to have made its way into our lives is drinking alkaline water. It helps in detoxification, maintaining heart and bone health, proper hydration of the body, and many more. To cater to this requirement, Propello has a specifically designed water purifier— Splash Alkaline RO which actually restores the pH balance of water.
Installing water purifiers in our homes will ensure safe and pure drinking water every time it is required, without any hindrance.
RO and UF technologies used in water purifiers facilitate the elimination of disease-causing microorganisms present in water. Propello has come up with RO water purifiers like Life Plus and Karvy which are equipped with these technologies.
Presence of dissolved solids in water makes it unfit for drinking. Water purifiers help in removing these particles, thereby making the safe for consumption. Propello offers like Life Plus which has a TDS Controller installed in it that helps in almost 90% removal of total dissolved solids.
Toxic metal impurities present are also effectively removed by water purifiers. RO water purifiers by Propello are some of the best water purifiers in this regard.
Many might think that water purifiers, in the process of purifying may also eliminate the essential minerals of wate. But on the contrary, modern have the necessary mechanism to retain the essential minerals in the water. This makes the purified water sweeter and better to taste. RO waters purifiers by Propello have Essential Minerals Technology which helps in the retention of essential minerals.
Presence of iron in water leaves a bad metallic aftertaste. To tackle this problem, water have filters with iron removers which almost completely remove iron from the. Propello offers two pre-filters with iron removers along with all the models of their RO water purifiers.
Using water purifiers has become hassle-free as no laborious task is involved in maintaining them. RO by Propello are a great choice in this regard as these require minimal maintenance.
Water purifiers have high storage capacity, which means that a substantial quantity of remains stored in the purifier. This ensures that water is available whenever required. The storage capacity of RO by Propello is almost 8-9 litres which guarantee sufficient water supply throughout the day.
Filtration capacity, i.e., the amount of water filtered in one hour is an important parameter of any water purifier because the higher the filtration capacity, the more will be the time saved. Life Plus, Karvy, Splash Alkaline RO—all the RO water purifiers by Propello have an effective filtration capacity of 8 litres per hour.
The most common question one has while buying a water purifier is that how much cost-effective the product will be. Many surveys have been conducted which show that buying a water purifier is actually more economical than buying bottled water. So, it is always a wise decision to go for a water purifier rather than buying bottled water because the latter is neither cost-effective nor environment-friendly as it generates huge plastic waste.
In this current scenario, are not a luxury, but a necessity. Drinking pure water does great wonders to our health as we can easily avoid a number of diseases from encroaching our life. One should be very careful while choosing a water purifier because it will have a lasting effect on their health. In this regard, the best purifier to trust is the RO water purifiers by Propello. These have a plethora of advantages that actually serve the purpose of installing a water purifier in our home. So immediately get a water purifier if you don’t have one and enjoy the benefits of drinking pure water.