Your Kitchen chimney decor may be contemporary or vintage, sophisticated or basic, splatters are inevitable in the kitchen, making tiles and walls greasy. In such a scenario, a kitchen chimney comes to your rescue. A kitchen chimney sucks cooking fumes, grease, and oil, leaving your kitchen clean and tidy. If you are planning to buy the best auto-clean chimney you are bound to have questions.
Ideally, all the time when you are cooking. It effectively extracts the cooking fumes and unpleasant odours out of the kitchen. It also helps to keep the kitchen clean by preventing grease and steam from sticking to walls and cabinets.
The suction capacity is an important factor to consider while buying a . The suction power of a chim is measured in m3/hr. usually come in the range from 700m3/hr to 1800 m3/hr. The size of your chimney and the suction power depends on the size of the kitchen. If you have a small kitchen, the ideal range of the suction capacity should be between 700m3/hr to 1000 m3/hr. However, if your cooking involves frequent deep frying, it is better to buy with a higher suction capacity.
Yes, today’s modern kitchen is incomplete without a chimney. It keeps your kitchen clean and saves your cleaning time.
When it comes to buying a kitchen chimney, the first thing you should look for is auto-clean technology – as they require low maintenance. Our auto clean chimneys come with a detachable cup where all the grease and oil get collected. You need to remove the cup and wash it once a month depending on the usage. Besides this, choose between push buttons or touch control panels—- whichever you find easy to operate. Also, ensure that the chimney that you buy has in-built-lamps for better cooking experience.
Yes, chimneys remove excessive heat. They also efficiently trap the oily particles keeping your kitchen clean and free of stains or odours.
You can install a kitchen chimney near the window. You will get access to more natural light while cooking. Make sure that the window is away from the gas stove otherwise the suction of the will be impacted.
Kitchens chimneys work significantly better than exhaust fans because they remove the heat, smoke, and odour from the source. An exhaust fan is located at an elevated height it helps only removing smoke that too not very efficiently.
The price of a chimney depends on various factors such as technology, size and control panels. To know our y price, call us at 1800 121 0600.