Healthy Water-Based Mocktails to Keep You Rejuvenated

11th Jul admin

As the sun shines brighter each day, and the temperature and humidity keep shooting upwards, the cool indoors of our houses with the AC on is such a respite! The perfect way to beat the heat? A tall glass of a chilled yummy ice-crushed mocktail, a non-alcoholic beverage that is a mix of a number of fruit juices, and some soda for that added fizz. And while some mix soft drinks into a mocktail, a healthier bet would be those prepared using filtered water from the best water purifiers.

While drinking at least 2 liters of water every day is a highly recommended healthy habit, sometimes it’s good to rewards oneself with a great drink.

Here are two recipes that you can whip up for yourself, sit back, fire up Netflix, and… just chill!


  • Apple Juice- 1.5 cups
  • Pineapple Juice- 1.5 cups
  • Filtered Water- 3 cups
  • Ice- 1 cup, can also be crushed.
  • Some pomegranate seeds
  • ½ lime sliced thin.

Add the apple juice, pineapple juice, and water into a tall jug. Stir. Proceed to add the ice, throw in the pomegranate seeds, and lime slices. This recipe serves 6 people.

This recipe is a very healthy option for those conscious of their bodies. And because the recipe does not use any soda for the fizz, it is also a lovely thirst-quenching drink for the kids. They’ll simply love sipping on it when they come it all hot and sweaty from their evening play sessions.


  • Water- 1 litre
  • Fresh blueberries- 1 cup
  • Ginger- 1 tablespoon, grated
  • Sugar, to taste.
  • Ice cubes
  • Fresh mint leaves

If you are looking for a fancier mocktail to serve at a get together at home, why not try this recipe instead. It is best that you start preparing it a bit I advance because this is slightly more complicated from the earlier recipe.

In a pan heat some filtered water on medium heat. Add the blueberries and ginger. Once it boils, add sugar and mix till it dissolves. Lower the heat, mash the blueberries and let it then simmer for another 10-12 minutes.

Once you have removed it off the stove, let it cool at room temperature for close to 3 hours. Post which you need to strain the syrup into another bowl and refrigerate till required for use.

For the final preparation, fill half your glass with the cold syrup prepared above and add the ice cubes (use only water purifier water to make the ice cubes). Top it up with some freshly squeezed lemon juice and fizzy soda and stir. Garnish your glass with fresh blueberries and mint leaves. Serve with a smile.

In each of the recipes above, keeping in mind the necessity of health being forefront, we recommend using only filtered water from RO water purifiers. Propello has a range to offer which is value for money while being a top water purifier brand.

And remember, when you’ve whipped up mocktails this good, the presentation to is important. Serve it in a fancy glass- either a slim stemmed margarita glass if you’re serving it to a grown-up or a mason jar if it’s the kids who will enjoy the drink. Garnish with sliced fruits and dip in a fancy paper straw or umbrella.


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